How to Convert MKV to WMV ?
The perfect format supported by Windows Media Player is WMA. With WinAVI All-In-One Converter, you can easily convert the MKV file to WMA. Not only the conversion can be achieved, but also many other adjustments, like bit rate, aspect rate, subtitle color, audio volume, etc. What’s more, the CPU occupancy is also under consideration! So HOW are we going to do it? The steps are as follows:
Convert MKV to WMV - Step 1:
Step1: Download WinAVI All In One Converter for free and install, then you can see the main interface.
Convert MKV to WMV - Step 2:
Step2: You have two ways to start this conversion.
You can choose the format first and then import the MKV file.
Or you can choose the format after adding the file.
Convert MKV to WMV - Step 3:
Step 3:Then you can do some customized setting, the output folder or some other advanced settings. Once you start converting, you will find out that this program offers you more choices, CPU occupancy, video preview, remaining time, etc. And you may abort this conversion in any time.

Convert MKV to WMV - Step 4:
Step 4: Actually there is no Step 4. Just a little while, this conversion will be succeeded and the WMV file will be in the output folder, waiting.