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...the software worked great!! We're up against the wall trying to finish a high school video yearbook (first annual) and Premiere Pro wasn't cooperating doing multi gig files into MPEG2....your software saved our okole's!!
Excellent product and excellent service. thanks from a very satisfied customer.
I've enjoyed using your software in the past and look forward to using it again in the future.
Thanks Again!
Thanks, your product hasn't given me any troubles, it has been fantastic.
Well I just did the first compression and I am impressed! Your program is very good and simple.
Joseph Chatzimichail07-Dec-06
I recently purchased your product WinAvi and im happy to say its by far the best tool of its sort and although the features are comparable to other products it offers speed of conversion and ease of use that are unmatched.
Chris Higman27-Mar-07
Nice package. Purchased it yesterday and easily placed some AVI's (Converted to VOBS) onto DVD that played fine. Could "skip" through to each VOB on my remote which was what I wanted to be able to do.
Morrow. George15-Sep-08
The program is superb, and i must say very fast, and produces great picture quality.
alistair dalrymple05-July-06
WinAVI Software